Invasion of LOBSTER’s
Really "lobster" is arthropod. In another way it can be named cancer with ten legs (eight legs and two claws). It is necessary to be able to cook Lobsters, and still it is very important to pick up to them sauces and drinks. Not forget about a lemon! And it is possible to look on them hours, at how they move, overturned, move feelers... But tried somebody of you to carry lobsters?
In September, 2006 shops of network INTERTOP represent the first collection of shoe of LOBSTER - Dutch trade mark. For whom LOBSTER makes the collection? In overwhelming majority for youth, "generation of the Internet, blogs and Murakamy", schoolboys of the senior classes, students. For them on the first place there is a bright and self-sufficient individuality without restrictions. Fashion is nothing for them - style first of all. And footwear more style, than LOBSTER it is practically impossible to find.