In EС will understand with the Chinese footwear
The European Union suggests to enter antidumping duties concerning leather footwear from China and Vietnam. The basic purpose is protection of the European manufacturers of similar production against inflow of import undercharges.
Term in one month for discussion of a question on introduction of antidumping duties will be given to the governments of countries - participants of the European Union. Presumably, the rate of the duty concerning footwear from China will make 16,5 percent, for footwear of Vietnam – 10 percent. Duties will not be entered concerning sports footwear because such production in Europe is not executed.
In total antidumping duties will operate concerning 11 of every hundred of pairs sold in Europe, including children's footwear. Validity of duties will make about five years.
China and Vietnam are denying the presented accusations of a dumping and, in turn, accuse the European Union with carrying out of a protectionism.
It is necessary to note, that since 2001 manufacture of footwear in countries - participants of the European Union was reduced to 30 percent at simultaneous growth of volumes of footwear imported to the European Union. Thus of the price for imported production, as a rule, below market cost of such production.
« There are sufficient proofs of that China and Vietnam wrongfully give grants to manufacturers of footwear that gives to them significant advantages in comparison with the European manufacturers of similar production », – was declared in the Commission of the European Union. - « the states which have refused from acceptance of measures on introduction of antidumping duties, will be compelled to assert the position in the judicial order ».